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6.2S/2C and 8.2S/2C System Related Products, Installation Instructions and Manuals
What is 6.2S/2C? It stands for 6 speaker and 2 sub woofer, that's the 6.2S. 2C stands for 2 channels. After all, we are still playing stereo, 2 channels music in this multiple speakers set up. This is not the typical multi-channel. This has not DSP (digital signal processing) involve in the process. There is no need to buy expensive new technology which will be obsolete within 5 years of purchase date. No need for any new new technology equipment. Any amplifier, receiver, integrated amp that can play traditional 2 channel (stereo) can be used to do this set up.
These Speaker Splitters are designed to connect to the main amplifier speaker output and split the signal to other amps and subwoofers. With the built in attenuator, it is designed to drop the signal from speaker level to line level for safe connection to any line level input.
Model: Speaker Splitter F, Fix Level, is designed for amplifiers, integrated amp and receiver which has their own volume controls.
Model: Speaker Splitter A, Adjustable Volume, is designed for connecting to power amplifiers which don't have a volume control.
Both models standard come with 12" long tinned bare wire for speaker connection. We understand these devices are going to be connect to anything from vintage receivers to high end amplifier. In the case of vintage receivers, bare wire is the only acceptable way to connect via speaker terminal. Should termination with banana plugs or spades is more desirable, it is available as option.
Other option includes longer wire for speaker connection. This option is useful if the user prefer to have the A version with adjustable volume in front of the equipment rack for easy access for adjustment. Since this is speaker cable connection, long wire up to 10ft will not cause any issue. However, the shorter is always better in this case. Simple less wire to tangle with.
Both Speaker Splitters F and A were designed to connect to positive speaker terminal via the red wire. The black wire MUST connect to signal ground or chassis ground. Please note some of the amplifier negative speaker binding posts are NOT signal nor chassis ground. In those case, if these Splitters are connect to those negative binding posts. It can damage the amplifier.
6.2S/2C and 8.2S/2C products are available through selected dealers only.
This is a step by step video for how to connect either the Speaker Splitter F and Speaker Splitter A.
DFA 1-4
It is a Damping Factor Adjuster. Which adjusts damping factor of an amplifier to suit various speaker demand. It is like having a tube amp and solid-state amp at the same time and instant adjustable between the two.
The dials allow the user fine tune the damping factor to the exact point. The bypass switch allow instant A/B compare with and without the damping factor in line.
Damping Factor Controllers
Models: DF1, DF8 and DF16
There are many contributing factors in why we love the sound of tube amps, and one is simply the damping factor of the amplifier with some manufacturers employing transformers or other devices on solid state designs to isolate this specific measurement that directly affects the pairing between amplifier and speaker.
What is damping factor? In layman's terms, it is a measurement noting how much control the amplifier has over the speaker drivers and how quickly the drivers can return to the original position after having received a musical signal.
A higher damping factor can mean a great, or not so good pairing depending on your speakers, sometimes this can contribute to overall harshness and listening fatigue. The Damping Factor Controllers (or DFA) allow you to fine tune this match between the speaker and your amplifier to find the perfect synergy.
Simply plug them in series on the positive terminal of each speaker cable. These can also be used in bi-wire situations where you may want a different damping factor for the high or low end of your loudspeaker. Sold separately or in pairs.
Please note that the Damping Factor Controllers are set values in either DF1 (highest DF adjustment), DF8, or DF16.
In Line Balanced Fix Attenuators
Available in XLR and RCA terminations
-6db, -10db, -15db, -20db
To decrease the overall gain of the power amp or integrated amp which allow the use of the upper part of the volume control for more accuracy and better dynamic.